Thursday, September 17, 2009


Bryton recently started a gymnastics class for 3-5 yr olds. and for once she is the tallest! and the oldest I think.
Well the first thing I must say is how great the price was. I remember going to gymnastics and it was like 40 bucks a month for once-a-week classes...ouch!
Bryton goes twice a week and its about 35 dollars a month.
So after we enrolled her we drove over to our friendly neighborhood Walmart, (which by the way must be the only Walmart in history that allows ALL of their employees to park in the front!) and we picked out a leotard and leggins. Big selection or we went with a slimming black leotard and sparkly pink leggins.....classic.
It wasn't until later that I discovered her gymnastics center sells leotards there, really cute ones. I asked when I registered her, where I could buy one and they said Walmart. So that's what we have for now.
Ok so the brochure stated that it had a viewing window since parents weren't allowed in the room itself to make more use of the space.......right, well this window is about 5 inches wide by 24 inches tall. and has wires going all through it.
I definitely was not happy about that, me and a handful of moms were crowded around the little door window with our camera phones trying to see what our little girls were doing.
Other than the window thing, everything was great!
I was really impressed by how much they learned on their first day, such as pulling themselves up onto the bar, touching their toes onto the bar and balancing on the beam!
and best of all Bryton loved it and had so much fun...which is what really matters right?

1 comment:

Taryn said...

how fun for Bryton. Megan is dying to get into gymnastics. The reason Walmart only has black and pink is because that is what most dance studios require the students to wear.