Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bryton Goes To School

My little girl is growing up.
She recently started going to a full day preschool at the local elementary school. She loves it there and is doing really good. She also gets to take the bus there. Which for me, wasn't so great. At least not for the first day of school. After meeting her teacher the week before school started she asked, " mommy, are you going to come with me to school?" "No honey, you get to go all by yourself." I said, trying to sound reassuring-no need I guess She quickly replies in her innocent but sure-of-herself voice "good, cause I don't want you to come." Right. As I pick up the pieces to my shattered motherly heart, I ask her if I can drop her off for the first day of school. Nope, I can't, she wants to ride the bus. So, doing the best that I can, I bring the camera with me. The humidity was so think that it took nearly 10 minutes for the camera to defog. I managed to get some pictures of her as she took in the splendors of waiting with the other kids at the bus stop.
When the bus came into sight the children rang out and Bryton ran for the bus, I mean, ran right past me to the bus. I gave her a quick hug and kiss. then she turned and stepped onto the bus, totally forgetting about her poor mother who was desperately trying to get her to notice me as I waved goodbye. and then. the bus drove away. Well it's not so traumatic for me anymore, although I am still in awe of what a big "little girl" she has become. We love our Bryt so much! We are so proud of her.