Thursday, July 22, 2010

Camp-in Family Night Pics

Camp-in Family Night

This past Monday Jason decided we were going camping.
We went shopping and got all the necessities, marshmallows, graham crackers, chocolate, Swedish fish, gummi octopuses, paper clips, bagels, and bird seed.
We came home and set up the tent and started on our bird feeders.
just mixed PB and shortening and spread the mixture on the bagel and covered it with bird seed.
We needed a little perch for the birds so we shoved a large pretzel into the bagel.
Then we hung them to our deck. No birds have been spotted yet but we are certain word will get out and the birds will begin to feast.
Next we went fishin'.
we hooked all of our Swedish fish and gummi octopi and placed them on our make-shift pond. When our magnet fishing pole was ready we began to play Go Fish. For every pair we made we got to go fishin'. This was a lot of fun and Bryton, I think, got the biggest catch when she learned that multiple fish would stick to the magnet.
Jason started a nice fire for us which lasted all night and kept us all very warm.
the finale were the inside out s'mores with peanut butter.
we nick named them s'mores on crack or heart stoppers due to their amazing taste and incredible ability to stop your heart.
step one: place mallow on fork and smear with PB

step two: dip PB covered mallow in melted chocolate (almond bark works best)

step three: roll mallow in finely crushed graham cracker.

step four: enjoy.

Twas a good time for all.