Sunday, June 29, 2008

bazillion degrees

So, I've got a minute to catch my breathe. I thought I would let you all know what's going on here.
first off, it really is a bazillion degrees over here!!! The humidity really kills ya. Being from Utah I honestly don't think I knew what humidity was, something like shower steam I guess. It quite literally takes your breathe away. I'm not complaining (maybe a little) I'm sure that it's better than freezing my butt off in Alaska. It does make for good beach weather!
Nothing is really new here. I am looking into getting nose surgery so I can breathe through it again. but probably not until after the summer.
Business is keeping me busy, and that's about it!

1 comment:

Taryn said...

your little family is sooo cute. Tell Jason congrats on making Sr. Airman. Miss you guys!