Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This post is all about belief. Here are the rules --some of your answers can't be religious. You should include at least one belief about food and one belief or unbelief that reflects your philosophy about life.

6 Things I believe:

I believe that God has a divine plan for all of us
I believe bullies will get what they deserve
I believe that new socks and or a new toothbrush are the best of new things
I believe in sleeping in
I believe hot bubble baths
I believe in prayer, chocolate, and my mom

6 Things I don't Believe:

I don't believe its almost Christmas!!!!
I don't believe I will ever be as good a mom as my own
I don't believe I will have everything ready for Bryton's birthday party
I don't believe in fate, life is what you make of it.
I don't believe there is a more handsome man than my husband
I don't believe it almost time to leave Okinawa

6 Things I am not sure about:

I am not sure if I will ever make my bed in the morning
I am not sure if I will ever finish Bryton's scrapbook
I am not sure if there is anything more comfy than toe socks
I am not sure if I will get my Christmas packages sent off in time
I am not sure if I will ever have a higher gamer score than Jason again
I am not sure if I will ever get my Great Dane (I better)

Now I am tagging: Mom, and Janara

1 comment:

Taryn said...

I love your answers! How have you been? haven't heard from you in a while