On September 2nd 2009, I went into the Women's clinic for a follow-up ultrasound. Everything looked great, he was getting a bit bigger, no contractions....just peachy.
about 12 hours later at 1:20am I wake up to what I thought was an excruciatingly full bladder. Well after a quick trip to the lady's room I realize that all that pressure didn't go away....and there was a reason for it. No sooner had I crawled back into bed did I feel the first of many contractions.
I looked at the clock and 7 minutes later, another one, then 6 minutes later...and so on. I thought, well I will wait 6 more minutes, and if I have another one I will wake up Jason. Two minutes later I woke him up and gave him the best news in the world that you can get at 2am.....we have to go to the hospital.
So since I was waiting until the weekend to get a hospital bag ready I went to the closet and picked out a few essentials, but in lots of pain and really tired I think all I managed to grab were some socks and my toothbrush.
Jason woke up Bryton and packed her a pillow and a blanket and we headed to Cheyenne Regional Medical Center.
Now at 34 weeks I knew (from experience) that my Doctors were not going to let this baby come with out a fight so, dialated at a two, I recieved two shots of tributaline (spelled wrong I'm sure) and when I kept progressing they decided that the baby had won the fight and admitted me at 4 am.
From 4am to about 9am we just sat there and waited. Bryton's blanket getting no use from her. she didn't go back to sleep until about 7. I received the blessing of an epidural (nice) and got the news that the doc would be in a noon. K, so we waited some more. at 1230, After waiting a bit longer than anticipated I sent Jason and Bryton to get some lunch at the cafeteria....2 minutes later the doc walks in and I measured at a 9. Jason gets back in a jiffy. they pop my water and within 15 minutes (3 minutes of pushing) our little Gavin was born at 1246pm on September 3rd 2009 Weighing in at 4lbs 8oz.
All in all with him being 6 weeks early, he was fairly healthy. He was on oxygen for the most part of the first day, and then his O2 levels were normal so that was great.
the worst part of it all was that his little tummy couldn't digest quickly enough to sustain his body. So the poor little guy got an IV in his head, and a feeding tube down his nose, and those where the norm for the better part of a week.
With the help of his wonderful nurse, we got to see the IV go and try bottle feeding. He did great, and 8 days after he was born we got to take him home.
He is doing fabulously. Still not eating a ton but he is gaining some weight, and sleeping like a champ.
I want to thank My husband for being there for me and for taking care of me as an invalid. My parents for visiting and taking care of the house and Bryton while we spent the days with Gavin. Gavin's Nurse Peggy, best nurse ever. She really helped us through all the pricks and pokes Gavin had to get and had the biggest heart ever.
We are very happy to have this little man in our lives and I hope you all get to meet him soon.