Sunday, April 24, 2011


Hey everyone,
Despite dad being gone, we had a pretty good Easter.
This was the first Easter I have had to play Easter Bunny all by myself. I must say some of the fun was missing. Hopefully we won't have to miss Jason over too many holidays.
We we ended up having a lot of eggs, and I only opened up one bag of left over eggs. a total of 45 eggs per kiddo. ya.
I made out like a bandit with the candy, I only paid $11 for $37 worth. (thank you coupons)
Bryton woke up a quarter to 6....ugh.
We woke up Gavo and he was like...ugh too.
But we headed down stairs and found their baskets and gifts at the bottom.
I gave Bryton and Gavin a gift each. Gavin got a froggy pillow pet and Bryton got Crayola Color Wonder Metalics. ~very cool if I do say so myself~
It was a challenge at first to get Gavin to even notice the eggs, he was too busy with his car that he got.
When he did finally start looking for eggs he was in heaven! Eggs here and there, eggs everywhere.
He found about 10 when he finally busted one open and was done. There was candy inside. And no need to look for anymore.
He did pick up a few more here and there but Bryton had to pick up his slack.

Bryton, now last year she found every egg in the house in less than 3 minutes. So this year had to be a little more challenging.
I hid them everywhere, and while she was still really good, we were missing three by the time we gave up. They were finally found, (medicine cabinet, snack cupboard).

We really had a good morning.
We wish dad could have been here. We will see him soon though, and make up for lost time!
We love you Jason!!!!!

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